Author Archives: Sheba

Spring Rain

This is for Jen’s Stetch Yourself Challenge #11.  The challenge for me on this one was getting the pictures downloaded.
I went on a couple of little day trips and got a bunch of great pictures, I filled my camera’s memory stick and couldn’t find my download cord, so I thought I would try out one of the card readers on my laptop! big mistake.. as it wasn’t the right size and I had to get the help desk to remove the card for me… thankfully they managed without damaging it or the laptop so I finally found the cord and got all the pictures uploaded to share.
This one was looking out the window at my NCCE Conference in Seattle.

Time…Where has it gone?


Well, I will admit that most of mine has been spent in front of the TV lately instead of in the studio. But I have also been on a couple of mini field trips and seen some great art and pretty nature. I loaded a ton of pictures and wanted to share a couple. I hope you enjoy!

This lovely painting I found in the Seattle Convention center and is by blanca santander check out her work here

ArtFest is around the corner so keep posted for some great new art to be posted in the next few weeks.

Stretch Yourself Weekly Challenge Week #8 the comic challenge

(photo proof of Charger’s relaxing here, here and here)
So I tell my students that they should create art based on what they are passionate about… I also tell them that if they look at MY art they can tell pretty quickly what my biggest passion is… my dog! (see ceramic scupltures, photos, digital art and now this!)
This week’s Stretch Yourself challenge is to create a comic of your life… who else could it possibly feature?

Stretch Yourself Week #8 the comic challenge day 2

(and photos of me and scruffy Shawn)

Jen’s Challenge Week 7: Simplicity

simple hands

Simplicity is the property, condition, or quality of being simple or un-combined. It often denotes beauty, purity or clarity.”

I think of simplicity as very spiritual and for me the color that came instantly to mind was white. To simplify your life is very ZEN and reminiscent of monks or nuns that give up all the trappings of the world to seek a higher power. So I knew I wanted to create something that was very simple in color with a subject that has a peace about it. I also wanted to include circles, round edges have more simplicity than hard straight lines.

When I went to pick an image, I realized that I have a sketch on the work table that would be perfect. Originally, the plans for it were very colorful, layered and complex. So I decided to deconstruct the drawing to some main lines and do a simple single colored stitch. Although, I am not a big ‘pink person’, I am actually very thrilled with how this came out and might do a few more like this.

When you look at this piece, what do you see? I would like to know if the image is obvious to the new viewer, or if it is too abstracted or too subtle. Click here if you want to see the photo inspiration.

About 81/2″ by 12″ totaly including ribbon. Created by simple zigzag stitch on fabric with satin trim. For Jen’s Challenge Week 7 Simplicity As usual, a great challenge that I am glad to have accepted!

Happy Valentine’s Day

2007oct_ATCwoman3, originally uploaded by Charger’s Mommy.

I will select my winner for the OWOH giveaway late on Thursday so you still have time to enter! AND I will be hosting another givaway the beginning of MARCH so come back soon.

Have a great day and go eat some chocolate!

Glossy Challenge

I wasn’t really sure I was going to like this weeks Challenge but I have to admit I am pleased with the results. I used a pretty thick layer of gesso so you can’t see anything through, then I scanned them in because I decided to play with some color in photoshop. Overall, it was intersting becasue I  don’t think of myself as a painter or having any painting skills… and this made me feel like, maybe I could paint!
