Author Archives: Sheba

Beaded Journal June In Progress

Before beading: this is a doodle that I scanned, mirrored and printed onto fabric.
June 2009 before beading

Part of the beading is done. I have been using a number of techniques from Robin’s book. This is for the month of JUNE. Which was a busy and hectic month, a month of beginnings and endings. I am hoping to reflect the joy and stress of this busy month.

2009 july BJP in progress

So far this is my favorite page, but it still has a lot of work until it is done.

2009 july detail in progress

Cathedral Window Quilt

Not that I need a new sewing project to start… but this is amazingly cool looking and the tutorial makes it not too hard looking. I have never seen a Cathedral Window Quilt before, but really love the rounded shapes. I also like the quilt as you go, no backing needed, idea.

I discovered this tutorial, after following a blog link from a comment here on my site. Sophia Aster commented on my ugly quilt post, where she had followed a link from my comment on the Quilting Gallery’s Ugly Quilt Contest (where I regret not entering my doggie car quilt) I just love the paths that the internet can take you on.

Maybe once I am done with rearranging my studio I will take on a little pillow using this technique. It will have to be all my doggie prints for the color parts.

Studio Art Quilt Association

This group looks pretty interesting and is currently having their annual auction. The 12″x12″ quilts up for auction are amazing!

SAQA Benefit Auction 2009 One Foot Squares

There are members from all over the world and quilts that range from abstract to portrait. I thought that with all the blogs that I read and art quilting books I collect, that I would recognize many more artists, but it appears that only Terri Stegmiller  (whose blog link  got me here in the first place) is the only artist I recognize.

I will look forward to going back in September and perhaps placing some bids, and even joining the group. I have seen a lot of different quilting groups and organizations, but not one so clearly connected to art quilts, rather than traditional quilts.

Ugly Quilts

What was I thinking? – The Ugly Quilt Contest

I wish I had known about this contest in time to enter! I would have totally entered my doggie car scrap quilt. As much as I love it and it is perfect for the use I intended, however it is UGLY!


You can see more details of the different blocks in this set. Funny, because I think some of the quilts in this contest are very nice! Too bad, I could have won some good prizes with this ugly thing!

Best Vacation Day!

I think today has been one of my favorite days of vacation!

I slept in…

I got a box of GREAT goodies from Diane Thanks!!
Great Box of Goodies

I sat outside, in the perfectly balmy weather, on my wonderful patio furniture (that I got for my b-day 3 years ago) and listened to Dean Knootz “Odd Hours” on audio book while beading my journal pages.

Beading in the Shade

I finally finished the ruffles on this piece

Ruffles Done

I picked raspberries at the neighbors, that I am having on vanilla ice cream. I had chimichurri mahi mahi on lettuce for lunch and grilled myself some hamburgers for dinner.

Charger hung out in the yard keeping an eye on my the whole day.

Charger keeping watch

Summer ATC Challenge

Last year I did Artist Trading Cards with my Art Club students. I had tons of examples and extras to trade. They made their own and then started a little collection and did a little trading within the club. They really enjoyed making theirs but also enjoyed digging through and picking from my trading pile. That pile is now gone and I want to do this again with my club and my classes next year, so I want to replenish my supply.

So here is my Summer ATC Challenge. I will send you an envelope stuffed with cool papers, or fabric bits and you will return at least 2 cool (middle school appropriate ~i.e. no nudity~) ATC cards. I would love to see info on the backs include your name and maybe what kind art you do and/or what kind of vocation (job) you have. I will need the cards mailed back to me by September 15th.

If this sounds like fun and you want to participate, leave a comment here with your name and both email and snail mailing address (ALL Comments are moderated and I will remove personal data before approving them.)

My House through the years

The Newest Color of Paint

The NEW purples

and a side view. I LOVE driving up the block to see this 🙂


A horrible in-between with purple and green still needing to be painted over, this was during the painting contract from Hell.

Purple House 2007

The Purple and Blue when it was finally horribly done. (The paint contractor basically did a bad job then walked out before it was done and disappeared!)

Purple and Blue 2007

Original Colors when I bought it, with the old chain link fence too.

Original House Colors

and a side view

Original House Colors

Beaded Journal Project Continues

Although slowly

Beaded Journal Project MAY 2009

Pictured above is MAY in progress. I did a really cool doodle at art camp in April. Then I scanned it in and printed it on fabric, now I am beading it using some new techniques I got from one of Robin’s books I ordered.

Beaded Journal Project April 2009

Pictured above is APRIL in progress. Experimenting with some different ways to make flowers. I did get to start gardening very early this year. These two months are focused on that idea.

Neither is close to being done and I still haven’t really done anything with March. Now it is already time to start June. Luckily, school is almost out and I will have lots of time to catch up on these.