January 2004
- The Secret Life of Ordinary Things UNCOMMON: Gypsy Bag Fabric Collage
- The Secret Life of Ordinary Things SENSE: Gypsy Bag Fabric Collage
- The Secret Life of Ordinary Things BLISS: Gypsy Bag Fabric Collage
- The Secret Life of Ordinary Things DREAM: Gypsy Bag Fabric Collage
February 2004
Lessons, Icons, & Figures: Elements of World Mythology cerulean moon goddess
March 2004
- Alphabet: Typography Incorporated into Art Justice
- Alphabet: Typography Incorporated into Art Disciple of Discipline
May 2004
- Vessels Fluffy Woven Bag #2
- Vessels Tactile Delight Book
- Fallen from Grace Sloth ***WINNER JUROR’S CHOICE***
July 2004
- Fourth Annual Ripped Off Show Glass to Fabric
- Fourth Annual Ripped Off Show Ripped Fabric Hone
August 2004
- Pet Portrait Swap ’04 Black Bird
- Pet Portrait Swap ’04 Angus
- Pet Portrait Swap ’04 MO Face
October 2004
Day of the Dead Shrunken Skull
November 2004
EBSQ 4th Annual Portrait Swap Portrait of Kelly Olivia Murphy